Caring for the planet

Preserving resources and limiting human impact on the planet’s ecosystems is not enough. We must proactively work to transform the world and restore its beauty, which some human activities have altered. At Clarins, this ideal drives our actions so that we can pass on the most beautiful planet possible to future generations.


Environmental impact

Protecting resources and limiting the impact on ecosystems is not enough. We must also act intentionally to protect the environment and restore the beauty to it that is affected by human activity. At Clarins, this ideal is the driving force behind our activities: passing on the most beautiful planet possible to future generations.

Responsible sourcing and purchasing

Protecting the environment and fighting climate change first requires us to reduce our impact in France and around the world.

In 2020, we reached carbon neutrality by reducing our emissions and through compensation programmes. A second step will be taken in 2025 with our commitment to reduce our carbon footprint by a further 30%. Beyond this, we continue to act on all areas that may have an impact on our environmental footprint.

Minimalist formulas

We have made the decision to reduce the number of ingredients in our formulas and reduce the amount of energy required to make them. Wherever possible, we prefer to use room temperature operating methods. To keep evolving, we have also developed a dual tool for evaluating our products’ impact on the environment, society and health: the Green score for our formulas, and the Pack score for our packaging.

Reducing energy consumption

In France, 100% of our consumption comes from renewable energy (electricity and biogas). Our overall energy consumption is also decreasing: throughout  the world, we are rolling out voluntary policies to offset greenhouse gases and optimise natural resources. This extends to our stores, with all our points of sale given a new environmental score.

Clean distribution and shipping

Reducing the carbon footprint of our international networks means using marginal air travel: today, transport by plane makes up less than 2% of our freight. Outside Europe, we favour maritime shipping, with the aim of implementing increasingly clean solutions that support environmental conservation. This is the reasoning behind our partnership established in 2021 with Neoline and its freight project with sailing ships.

our energy consumption is covered by renewables in France
of our suppliers rated by Ecovadis
air freight used

Our plants and ingredients

Organic, regenerative farming is the driving force in our approach.

Since the founding of Clarins in 1954, plants have been at the heart of all our products. Respect for the nature that provides our active ingredients is inseparable from our own history and approach. We are resolutely committed to not only protecting, but improving the environment.

When you work closely with plants, you have to love nature and want to protect and respect the people who grow them.
Virginie Courtin
Managing Director

Organic first

We heavily favour a supple from organic plants; throughout the world, we encourage the creation of new networks and ensure their development.
In 2022, we supported and approved 10 conversions. With the certification of six new plants at the end of 2022, more than 60% of the 210 plants in our herbarium are now certified organic. This figure will reach 80% in 2025.

Domaine Clarins

Domaine Clarins embodies our philosophy: producing exceptional ingredients in respect of nature. At the heart of the Alps, at an altitude of 1,400 metres, we dedicate several hectares to observing and farming plants according to production standards that go beyond organic. From permaculture to traditional growing methods and natural inputs, Domaine Clarins follows a regenerative agriculture model that has a positive impact on soils and biodiversity.

This model is a long-term commitment: in 2021, we voluntarily subjected Domaine Clarins to an ORE contract, which requires it to comply with the highest environmental standards for the next 99 years.

Biomimetics and green chemistry

These two words mean that plants inspire our research and are the primary ingredients in each of our formulas. 81% of our active ingredients are plant-based.
Every day, we seek to go further using our “open formulas”: 100% of our skincare catalogue – 90 formulas – has been reformulated between 2018 and 2021 to enhance the use of natural ingredients in our products even further.

of our skincare catalogue revamped to increase naturality from 2018 to 2021
species of plants were studied at Domaine Clarins in 2022
Clarins has become a member of the UEBT

Circular economy

Reduce, reuse, recycle. The “3 Rs” of the circular economy are principles we strive to apply to the design, manufacturing and distribution of our skincare. Faced with constraints, and sometimes the limits of recycling, our priority is to reduce our materials, especially plastics.

Recycled and recyclable packaging

Recyclable packaging is our priority: all our packaging is subject to constant research to reduce its environmental footprint at the very least. By 2025, 100% of packaging in our skincare catalogue will be recyclable and/or refillable, and 50% will be made from recycled materials. We commit to a similar approach for our make-up catalogue.

Aiming for zero waste

For several years, we have committed to reducing our waste. In 2021, we set ourselves the aim of reaching zero waste. This goal is the driving force behind two axes in which our business is invested:

  • drastically reducing all of our packaging combined with a re-use policy: collecting used packaging in-store, refill systems, new materials like recycled plastic caps allowing for savings of 110 tonnes of plastic per year.
  • reducing our industrial waste by recycling 100% of it

Supporting local distribution channels

Above all, short supply chains mean producing locally. At Clarins, our production facility and R&D laboratories are located on the same site in Pontoise, France. The majority of our ingredients are also produced in France on a number of Clarins certified farms. This made in France policy is a guarantee of quality, but it also reduces the transportation needed for our business.

of outer cartons made using FSC paper from sustainably-managed forests
of our packaging made of glass and recyclable cardboard
of our industrial waste recycled

Protecting nature and biodiversity

Passing on a more beautiful world means going beyond our business activity and working with determination to preserve the environment. For many years, across the world, we have been encouraging, financing and supporting initiatives that respect nature and protect biodiversity.

Companies have a duty to help build a desirable future.
Olivier Courtin
Managing Director

Protecting natural ecosystems

It was in the 1990s, in the Alps so dear to Clarins, that the following were born: Alp Action, now known as Asters. Our commitment has enabled us to roll out 5 environmental conservation programmes and protect around 100 endangered species.


Many other programmes have since been added, including with ethnobotanist Jean-Pierre Nicolas, as well as Plastic Odyssey, to tackle the challenges of plastic and share recycling solutions.

Reforestation and agroecology

In 2012, we partnered with PUR to engage in agricultural landscape restoration programmes.

Through our Seeds of Beauty reforestation programme, we have helped plant over 800,000 trees around the world.

Meaningful partnerships

To move towards ever more sustainable production, Clarins has joined expert and committed organizations such as :

  • Global Shea Alliance for sustainable shea butter production
  • Roundtable on Substainable Palm Oil, for a sustainable exploitation of palm oil
  • Responsible Mica Initiative, since its founding in 2017, for a sustainable exploitation of mica
charities and environmental organizations supported each year
trees planted since 2012
species protected